
There are currently four different backends. They can also be initialized in few different ways, consistent with general settings. You can use the ARCA_BACKEND setting or you can pass a backend keyword directly to Arca.

The backend setting can be either a string, class or an instance. All the initializations shown bellow are equivalent, but again, as mentioned in Configuring Arca, the backend keyword cannot be overridden by settings or environ variables.

from arca import Arca, DockerBackend

Arca(settings={"ARCA_BACKEND": "arca.backend.DockerBackend"})
Arca(settings={"ARCA_BACKEND": DockerBackend})

Setting up backends is based on the same principle as setting up Arca. You can either pass keyword arguments when initializing the backend class or you can use settings (described in more details in Configuring Arca). For example these two calls are equivalent:

from arca import Arca, DockerBackend

  "ARCA_BACKEND": "arca.backend.DockerBackend",

As mentioned in Basic options, there are two options common for all backends. (See that section for more details.)

  • requirements_location
  • cwd

Current Environment


This backend is the default option, it runs the tasks with the same Python that’s used to run Arca, in a subprocess. There are two settings for this backend, to determine how the backend should treat requirements in the repositories.

  • current_environment_requirements: a path to the requirements of the current environment, the default is requirements.txt. None would indicate there are no requirements for the current environment.
  • requirements_strategy: Which approach the backend should take. There are three, the default being raise.

(possible settings prefixes: ARCA_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT_BACKEND_ and ARCA_BACKEND_)

Requirements strategies:

The strategies are defined in a enum, arca.RequirementsStrategy. Its values or the string representations can be used in settings.

  • raise, RequirementsStrategy.RAISE: Raise an arca.exceptions.RequirementsMismatch if there are any extra requirements in the target repository.
  • ignore, RequirementsStrategy.IGNORE: Ignore any extra requirements.
  • install_extra, RequirementsStrategy.INSTALL_EXTRA: Install the requirements that are extra in the target repository as opposed to the current environment.

Virtual Environment


This backend uses the Python virtual environments to run the tasks. The environments are created from the Python used to run Arca and they are shared between repositories that have the same exact requirement file. The virtual environments are stored in folder venv in folder determined by the Arca base_dir setting, usually .arca.

(possible settings prefixes: ARCA_VENV_BACKEND_ and ARCA_BACKEND_)



This backend runs tasks in docker containers. To use this backend the user running Arca needs to be able to interact with docker (see documentation).

This backend firstly creates an image with requirements and dependencies installed so the installation only runs one. By default the images are based on custom images, which have Python and several build tools pre-installed. These images are based on alpine and use pyenv to install Python. You can specify you want to base your images on a different image with the inherit_image setting.

Once arca has an image with the requirements installed, it launches a container for each task and kills it when the task finishes. This can be modify by setting keep_container_running to True, then the container is not killed and can be used by different tasks running from the same repository, branch and commit. This can save time on starting up containers before each task. You can then kill the containers by calling DockerBackend method stop_containers.

If you’re using arca on a CI/CD tool or somewhere docker images are not kept long-term, you can setup pushing images with the installed requirements and dependencies to a docker registry and they will be pulled next time instead of building them each time. It’s set using use_registry_name and you’ll have to be logged in to docker using docker login. If you can’t use docker login (for example in PRs on Travis CI), you can set registry_pull_only and Arca will only attempt to pull from the registry and not push new images.


  • python_version: What Python version should be used. In theory any of these versions could be used, but only CPython 3.6 has been tested. The default is the Python version of the current environment. This setting is ignored if inherit_image is set.
  • keep_container_running: When True, containers aren’t killed once the task finishes. Default is False.
  • apk_dependencies: For some python libraries, system dependencies are required, for example libxml2-dev and libxslt-dev are needed for lxml. With this settings you can specify a list of system dependencies that will be installed via alpine apk. This setting is ignored if inherit_image is set since arca can’t determined how to install requirements on an unknown system.
  • disable_pull: Disable pulling prebuilt arca images from Docker Hub and build even the base images locally.
  • inherit_image: If you don’t wish to use the arca images you can specify what image should be used instead.
  • use_registry_name: Uses this registry to store images with installed requirements and dependencies to,

tries to pull image from the registry before building it locally to save time. * registry_pull_only: Disables pushing to registry.

(possible settings prefixes: ARCA_DOCKER_BACKEND_ and ARCA_BACKEND_)



This backend might be reworked completely, consider its API unstable.

If you’re extra paranoid you can use Vagrant to completely isolate the tasks. This backend is actually a subclass of DockerBackend and uses docker in the VM to run the tasks. Currently the backend works by building the image with requirements and dependencies locally and pushing it to registry (push_to_registry_name is required), spinning up a VM for each repository, pulling the image in the VM and running the task. Docker and Vagrant must be runnable by the current user.

The backend inherits all the settings of DockerBackend except for keep_container_running and has these extra settings:

  • box: Vagrant box used in the VM. Either has to have docker version >= 1.8 or not have docker at all, in which case it will be installed when spinning up the VM. The default is ailispaw/barge.
  • provider: Vagrant provider, default is virtualbox. Visit vagrant docs for more.
  • quiet: Tells Vagrant and Fabric (which is used to run the task in the VM) to be quiet. Default is True. Vagrant and Docker output is logged in separate files for each run in a folder logs in the Arca base_dir. The filename is logged in the arca logger (see bellow)
  • destroy: Destroy the VM right after the task is finished if True (default). If False is set, the VM is only halted.

(possible settings prefixes: ARCA_VAGRANT_BACKEND_ and ARCA_BACKEND_)

Your own

You can also create your own backend and pass it to Arca. It has be a subclass of arca.BaseBackend and it has to implement its run method.