
arca.Task instances are used to define what should be run in the repositories. The definition consists of a string representation of a callable and arguments.

EntryPoints (from the entrypoints library) are used for defining the callables. Any callable can be used if the result is json-serializable by the standard library json.

Let’s say we have file package/test.py in the repository:

def func():
  x = Test()
  return x.run()

class Test:
  def run(self):
    return "Hello!"

  def method():
    x = Test()
    return x.run()

In that case, the following two tasks would have the same result:

task1 = Task("package.test:func")
task2 = Task("package.test:Test.method")


Both positional and keyword arguments can be provided to the task, however they need to be json-serializable (so types dict, list, str, int, float, bool or None).

Let’s say we the following file test.py in the repository:

def func(x, *, y=5):
  return x * y

The following tasks would use the fuction (with the default y):

task1 = Task("test:func", args=[5])  # -> result would be 25
task2 = Task("test:func", kwargs={"x": 5})  # -> result would be 25 again

Since the x parameter is positional, both ways can be used. However, if we wanted to set y, the task would be set up like this:

task1 = Task("test:func", args=[5], kwargs={"y": 10})  # -> 50
task2 = Task("test:func", kwargs={"x": 5, "y": 10})  # -> 50 again


Anything that’s json-serializable can be returned from the entrypoints. Unfortunately, due to the way tasks are being launched by various backends, the entrypoints must not print anything, they can only return values.